You have looked at your bank records, pay stubs, and all your bills and you realize that not only can you not get your ends to meet, you are having a hard time to even get them to wave at each other. Even though you do not want to, you have determined that at this…Read more
Bankruptcy – Good or Bad?
While filing bankruptcy has been looked on by some as “morally wrong”, and maybe even “Criminal”, the basic concept of Bankruptcy is Biblical and can be traced all the way back to the Old Testament. The Book of Deuteronomy (15:1-2) states “Every seventh year you shall practice release of debts. This shall be the nature…Read more
Would you operate on yourself?
With the current recession continuing with no end in sight, self-surgery is a growing, albeit a misguided trend. In 2009 a California woman thought it might be a good idea to try self-plastic surgery on her face. “Insane, I can’t believe I did what I did,” the 54-year-old said. “I thought I was going to…Read more