You have tried to work with the creditor but they would not accept any of your offers and have filed a collection lawsuit.
In Georgia you only have 30 days after service of a lawsuit to file your answer to the suit. The failure to file your answer could result in a default judgment against you. This Judgment would allow the creditor to garnish your wages or seize some of your belongings such as your bank account, your car, furniture or other items of value.
However, even now there is something we can do but time is of the essence. The filing of a chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the only way to immediately stop the collection lawsuit and prevent a default judgment, but we would need to move quickly.
Please contact my office for a free appointment so we can discuss all of your options under the bankruptcy code. A chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy can immediately stop a collection lawsuit and help you take back control of your debt.
For further information, please take time to read the links we have supplied on the Resources page. This will further your education of the terms and practice of Bankruptcy so that you may be better informed in your case. A lot of your questions may be answered in the Resources pages.